Prof. Dimitrios Karamanis, University of Patras, Greece

Bio: Professor of Alternative Energy Sources at the University of Patras leading the group of Renewable Energy Sources and Cool Environment. He studied Physics at the University of Ioannina (1986-1990) where he submitted his doctoral thesis (1990-1997). With Postdoctoral Fellowships at CEN Bordeaux (Marie Curie 1999-2001) and University of Ioannina (Marie Curie 2001-2002 and until 2008), Prof. Karamanis has thirty-four years of research experience in the fields of alternative energy sources with special emphasis on wind and solar energy utilization technologies in the last fifteen years. Participating in competitive National and International research programs as scientific coordinator and researcher, he has published over 110 scientific papers in scientific journals, patents and chapters in books with >3600 citations and h-index 37 (Scopus). He serves as Associate Editor of Green Technologies and Sustainability (Elsevier/KeAi). Prof. Karamanis teaches courses on renewable energy sources, energy efficiency and RES applications in Departments of the Universities of Ioannina and Patras since 2006.

Tentative Title: Transitioning to climate-neutral cities: From zero-emission buildings to urban decarbonization



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